徐学哲 副研究员 | |
徐学哲 副研究员,安徽光学精密机械研究所大气物理化学研究室副主任
研究方向 气溶胶光学特性和痕量气体探测 含碳气溶胶光谱特性和气溶胶理化特性研究
工作经历 2018.6 - 2021.2 中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所,助理研究员 2021.3- 至今 中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所,副研究员
荣誉奖励 2018年 中国科学院大恒光学奖学金 2018年 中国科学技术大学校级优秀毕业生 2017年 博士研究生国家奖学金 2016年 光华奖学金
代表性论文 1. Xuezhe Xu, Weixiong Zhao, Bo Fang, Jiacheng Zhou, Shuo Wang, Weijun Zhang, Dean S. Venables, and Weidong Chen. Three-wavelength cavity-enhanced albedometer for measuring wavelength dependent optical properties and single-scattering albedo of aerosols, Optics Express, 26(25):33484-33500, 2018.
2. Xuezhe Xu, Weixiong Zhao, Xiaodong Qian, Shuo Wang, Bo Fang, Qilei Zhang, Weijun Zhang, Dean S. Venables, Weidong Chen, Yong Huang, Xueliang Deng, Biwen Wu, Xinfeng Lin, Sen Zhao, and Yingxiang Tong. The influence of photochemical aging on light absorption of atmospheric black carbon and aerosol single scattering albedo, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(23):16829-16844, 2018.
3. Xuezhe Xu, Weixiong Zhao, Qilei Zhang, Shuo Wang, Bo Fang, Weidong Chen, Dean S. Venables, Xinfeng Wang, Wei Pu, Xin Wang, Xiaoming Gao, and Weijun Zhang. Optical properties of atmospheric fine particles near Beijing during the HOPE-J(3)A campaign, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(10):6421-6439, 2016.
4. Weixiong Zhao, Xuezhe Xu, Bo Fang, Qilei Zhang, Xiaodong Qian, Shuo Wang, Pan Liu, Weijun Zhang, Zhenzhu Wang, Dong Liu, Yinbo Huang, Dean S. Venables, and Weidong Chen. Development of an incoherent broad-band cavity-enhanced aerosol extinction spectrometer and its application to measurement of aerosol optical hygroscopicity, Applied Optics, 56(11):E16-E22, 2017.
5. Weixiong Zhao, Xuezhe Xu, Meili Dong, Weidong Chen, Xuejun Gu, Changjin Hu, Yinbo Huang, Xiaoming Gao, Wei Huang, and Weijun Zhang. Development of a cavity-enhanced aerosol albedometer, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7(8):2551-2566, 2014.
6. Bo Fang, Weixiong Zhao, Xuezhe Xu, Jiacheng Zhou, Xiao Ma, Shuo Wang, Weijun Zhang, Dean S. Venables, and Weidong Chen. Portable broadband cavity-enhanced spectrometer utilizing Kalman filtering: application to real-time, in situ monitoring of glyoxal and nitrogen dioxide, Optics Express, 25(22):26910-26922, 2017.
7. Xuezhe Xu, Weixiong Zhao, Bo Fang, Xuejun Gu, and Weijun Zhang. Development and performance evaluation of a standard aerosol generation system, Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 36(07):2355-2361, 2016. (in Chinese)
8. Xuezhe Xu, Weixiong Zhao, Meili Dong, Xuejun Gu, Changjin Hu, Yanbo Gai, Xiaoming Gao, Wei Huang, and Weijun Zhang. Monitoring aerosol extinction with cavity enhanced/ring-down spectroscopy: A brief review, Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics, 31(04):477-488, 2014. (in Chinese)
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